Prague Lions vs Prague Bl.Panthers (Apr 13, 2014)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)

Prague Lions (0-1) vs. Prague Bl.Panthers (1-0)

Date: Apr 13, 2014 • Site: Prague  • Stadium: Hostivar  •  Attendance: 300

Score by Quarters  Score 
Prague Lions   0  0  6  6  12 
Prague Bl.Panthers   10  14  3  7  34 

1st  12:00  PBP   Kamil Dušejovský 5 yd run (Marek Hruboň kick) 
         16 plays, 76 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 7 
  12:00  PBP   Marek Hruboň 33 yd field goal 
         3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 10 
2nd  12:00  PBP   Jan Řezanka 7 yd pass from Jan Dundáček (Marek Hruboň kick) 
         9 plays, 63 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 17 
  12:00  PBP   Jan Řezanka 14 yd pass from Jan Dundáček (Marek Hruboň kick) 
         3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 24 
3rd  12:00  LIO   Ondřej Appl 76 yd interception return (Ondřej Šisl kick failed) 
           6 - 24 
  12:00  PBP   Marek Hruboň 37 yd field goal 
         7 plays, 27 yards, TOP 0:00  6 - 27 
4th  12:00  PBP   Jan Dundáček 34 yd run (Marek Hruboň kick) 
         5 plays, 51 yards, TOP 0:00  6 - 34 
  12:00  LIO   Alexey Ulyanin 32 yd pass from Maximiliano Torres-Gómez (Ondřej Šisl kick failed) 
         13 plays, 74 yards, TOP 0:00  12 - 34 

Kickoff time: 14:10  • End of Game: 16:35  • Total elapsed time: 2:35
Referee: Richard Gazdik  •  Umpire: Adam Dvoracek  •  Linesman: Jan Hubalek  •  Line judge: Peter Martincek •  Back judge: Radek Janhuba  •  Scorer: Pavel Tojsl  • 
Temperature: 13 C  • Wind: light  • Weather: cloudy


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)

 Team Totals  LIO  PBP 
FIRST DOWNS  12  19 
   Rushing  17 
   Rushing Attempts  20  38 
   Average Per Rush  3.8  7.1 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  82  270 
   Yards Lost Rushing 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  11-23-2  9-20-2 
   Average Per Attempt  4.5  3.8 
   Average Per Completion  9.4  8.4 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  44  58 
   Average Gain Per Play  4.0  5.9 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  2-2  0-0 
Penalties: Number-Yards  5-31  9-82 
PUNTS-YARDS  0-0  1-15 
   Average Yards Per Punt  0.0  15.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt  0.0  15.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  3-162  6-248 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  54.0  41.3 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  39.3  35.2 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  4-37-0  2-24-0 
   Average Per Return  9.2  12.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  2-76-1  2-4-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  24:00  24:00 
   1st Quarter  12:00  0:00 
   2nd Quarter  0:00  12:00 
   3rd Quarter  12:00  0:00 
   4th Quarter  0:00  12:00 
Third-Down Conversions  3 of 9  6 of 11 
Fourth-Down Conversions  1 of 3  2 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  0-0  0-0 
   Touchdowns  0-0  0-0 
   Field goals  0-0  0-0 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  0-0  1-8 
PAT Kicks  0-2  4-4 
Field Goals  0-1  2-2 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)

Prague Lions
Prague Bl.Panthers
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
David Růžek  14  47  40  2.9 
Maximiliano Torres-Gómez  24  24  12  8.0 
Jakub Ječný  11  11  3.7 
Totals...  20  82  75  12  3.8 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Kamil Dušejovský  22  134  134  15  6.1 
Jan Dundáček  68  68  34  9.7 
Matěj Reinvart  66  64  39  8.0 
Martin Mostecký  2.0 
Totals...  38  270  268  39  7.1 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Maximiliano Torres-Gómez  11-23-2  111  32 
Team Lions  0-0-0  -8 
Totals...  11-23-2  103  32 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Jan Dundáček  9-20-2  76  14 
Totals...  9-20-2  76  14 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Alexey Ulyanin  58  32 
Petr Vítovec 
David Růžek  22  22 
Andrey Vorobyev  15  15 
Marek Suchý  11  11 
Totals...  11  111  32 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Martin Mostecký  29 
Jan Řezanka  30  14 
Jakub Woleský 
Adam Synáček 
Totals...  76  14 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Totals...  0.0 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Jakub Woleský  15  15.0  15 
Totals...  15  15.0  15 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
David Růžek  23  23 
Lubomír Bachura 
Ondřej Appl  76  76 
Lukáš Boucký 
Totals...  37  23  76  76 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Adam Synáček  17  17 
Šimon Kovařík 
Pavel Klemš 
Jan Jadrný 
Totals...  24  17 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
David Růžek  40  22  23  85 
Ondřej Appl  76  82 
Alexey Ulyanin  58  58 
Maximiliano Torres-Gómez  24  24 
Andrey Vorobyev  15  15 
Jakub Ječný  11  11 
Marek Suchý  11  11 
Lubomír Bachura 
Petr Vítovec 
Totals...  75  111  37  76  299 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Kamil Dušejovský  134  134 
Jan Dundáček  68  68 
Matěj Reinvart  64  64 
Martin Mostecký  29  31 
Jan Řezanka  30  30 
Adam Synáček  17  25 
Jakub Woleský 
Jan Jadrný 
Pavel Klemš 
Totals...  268  76  24  372 
Ondřej Šisl  1st  12:00  20 yards  Blocked 
Marek Hruboň  1st  12:00  33 yards  Good 
Marek Hruboň  3rd  12:00  37 yards  Good 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
David Růžek  162  54.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Marek Hruboň  248  41.3 
FUMBLES: Prague Lions-Petr Vítovec 1-1; Alexey Ulyanin 1-1. Prague Bl.Panthers-None.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
LIO   1st  P16  12:00  Interception  P13  12:00     Missed FG  3-3  0:00    
LIO   1st  L38  12:00  Kickoff  P26  12:00     Downs  7-25  12:00    
LIO   2nd  L10  12:00  Kickoff  L23  12:00     Fumble  3-13  0:00    
LIO   2nd  L23  12:00  Kickoff  P22  12:00     Downs  9-44  0:00    
LIO   3rd  L21  12:00  Kickoff  P44  12:00     Fumble  6-24  0:00    
LIO   3rd  P00  12:00  Interception  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  0-0  0:00    
LIO   4th  L36  12:00  Kickoff  L41  12:00     Interception  2-5  0:00    
LIO   4th  L30  00:00  Punt  P44  12:00     Interception  1-15  0:00    
LIO   4th  L15  12:00  Kickoff  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  13-74  0:00    
PBP   1st  P07  12:00  Kickoff  P10  12:00     Interception  2-3  0:00    
PBP   1st  P13  12:00  Missed FG  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  16-76  0:00    
PBP   1st  L30  12:00  Kickoff  L25  12:00  FIELD GOAL  3-5  0:00    
PBP   2nd  P26  12:00  Downs  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  9-63  0:00    
PBP   2nd  L23  12:00  Fumble  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  3-23  0:00    
PBP   2nd  P22  12:00  Downs  L28  00:00     End of half  1-39  12:00    
PBP   3rd  P44  12:00  Fumble  L14  12:00     Interception  8-31  0:00    
PBP   3rd  P32  12:00  Kickoff  L30  12:00  FIELD GOAL  7-27  0:00    
PBP   4th  L40  12:00  Interception  P44  12:00     Punt  3--5  0:00    
PBP   4th  P38  12:00  Interception  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  5-51  0:00    
PBP   4th  P25  12:00  Kickoff  P30  00:00     End of half  1-5  12:00    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Prague Lions   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   12:00   00:00   12:00   00:00      12:00   12:00      24:00  
3rd Down Conversions   0/2   1/4   1/1   1/2      1/6   2/3      3/9  
Average field position  L38   -   L36   -      L38   L36      L37  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/2   0/0   1/1      0/2   1/1      1/3  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Prague Bl.Panthers   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   00:00   12:00   00:00   12:00      12:00   12:00      24:00  
3rd Down Conversions   2/4   2/2   2/4   0/1      4/6   2/5      6/11  
Average field position  -   P22   -   P25      P22   P25      P23  
4th Down Conversions   1/1   0/0   1/1   0/0      1/1   1/1      2/2  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
PBP   1st  P07  12:00  Kickoff  P10  12:00     Interception  2-3  0:00    
LIO   1st  P16  12:00  Interception  P13  12:00     Missed FG  3-3  0:00    
PBP   1st  P13  12:00  Missed FG  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  16-76  0:00    
PBP   1st  L30  12:00  Kickoff  L25  12:00  FIELD GOAL  3-5  0:00    
LIO   1st  L38  12:00  Kickoff  P26  12:00     Downs  7-25  12:00    
PBP   2nd  P26  12:00  Downs  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  9-63  0:00    
LIO   2nd  L10  12:00  Kickoff  L23  12:00     Fumble  3-13  0:00    
PBP   2nd  L23  12:00  Fumble  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  3-23  0:00    
LIO   2nd  L23  12:00  Kickoff  P22  12:00     Downs  9-44  0:00    
PBP   2nd  P22  12:00  Downs  L28  00:00     End of half  1-39  12:00    
LIO   3rd  L21  12:00  Kickoff  P44  12:00     Fumble  6-24  0:00    
PBP   3rd  P44  12:00  Fumble  L14  12:00     Interception  8-31  0:00    
LIO   3rd  P00  12:00  Interception  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  0-0  0:00    
PBP   3rd  P32  12:00  Kickoff  L30  12:00  FIELD GOAL  7-27  0:00    
LIO   4th  L36  12:00  Kickoff  L41  12:00     Interception  2-5  0:00    
PBP   4th  L40  12:00  Interception  P44  12:00     Punt  3--5  0:00    
LIO   4th  L30  00:00  Punt  P44  12:00     Interception  1-15  0:00    
PBP   4th  P38  12:00  Interception  L00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  5-51  0:00    
LIO   4th  L15  12:00  Kickoff  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  13-74  0:00    
PBP   4th  P25  12:00  Kickoff  P30  00:00     End of half  1-5  12:00    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)

##  Prague Lions   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
35  Libor Boucký  6.5  .   .   .   .  
29  Pavel Bezr  6.0  .   .   .   .  
44  Luke Quesnell  4.0  .   .   .   .  
34  Adam Tichý  4.0  .   .   .   .  
39  Petr Louda  3.5  .   .   .   .  
55  Ondřej Appl  3.0  .   .   1-76  .  
91  Lukáš Boucký  3.0  .   .   1-0   .  
40  Lukáš Pelikán  2.5  .   .   .   .  
22  Ondřej Šisl  1.5  .   .   .   .  
10  Tomáš Pachovský  1.5  .   .   .   .  
11  David Michálek  1.5  .   .   .   .  
9   Lubomír Bachura  1.5  .   .   .   .  
8   Daniel Aizner  1.0  .   .   .   .  
56  Miroslav Kysilka  1.0  .   .   .   .  
TM  Team Lions  1.0  .   .   .   .  
63  Jackson Maurer  1.0  1.0/2   .   .   .  
64  Jan Jelínek  0.5  .   .   .   .  
60  Sergio Raygada  0.5  .   .   .   .  
65  Martin Pilař  0.5  .   .   .   .  
##  Prague Bl.Panthers   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
25  Pavel Klemš  5.5  .   .   1-4   .  
13  Michael Vondráček  4.0  .   1-0   .   .  
32  Jan Špaček  3.5  .   .   .   .  
45  Karel Augusta  2.5  .   .   .   .  
21  Šimon Kovařík  2.0  .   .   1-0   .  
TM  Team Black Panthers  2.0  .   .   .   .  
56  Filip Černoch  2.0  1.0/2   1-0   .   .  
50  Ondřej Kraus  2.0  .   .   .   .  
78  Miroslav Bartoš  1.5  1.0/8   .   .   1.0/8  
57  Martin Jirman  1.5  .   .   .   .  
58  Javier Lopez-Acosta  1.5  .   .   .   .  
63  Matěj Večes  1.0  1.0/3   .   .   .  
55  Matěj Bolek  1.0  .   .   .   .  
43  Marek Hruboň  0.5  .   .   .   .  
74  Aliaksei Kurbatau  0.5  .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)

Prague Lions: 2-M.Torres-Gomez, 4-P.Vitovec, 8-D.Aizner, 9-L.Bachura, 10-T.Pachovsky, 11-D.Michalek, 12-M.Suchy, 13-A.Vorobyev, 18-M.Pistej, 21-D.Ruzek, 22-O.Sisl, 23-J.Jecny, 28-M.Kalina, 29-P.Bezr, 34-A.Tichy, 35-Lib.Boucky, 37-M.Golla, 39-P.Louda, 40-L.Pelikan, 43-L.Tancinec, 44-L.Quesnell, 46-J.Vojtisek, 50-A.Vlcek, 55-O.Appl, 56-M.Kysilka, 60-S.Raygada, 61-M.Vrsansky, 63-J.Maurer, 64-J.Jelinek, 65-M.Pilar, 66-L.Maska, 70-J.Kislinger, 74-P.Vaberer, 75-D.Kriz, 77-R.Subovic, 80-J.Nedved, 84-A.Ulyanin, 87-M.Kubik, 88-R.Maler, 89-F.Matejka, 91-Luk.Boucky.

Prague Bl.Panthers: 1-J.Sykora, 2-J.Wolesky, 3-M.Hildebrand, 5-J.Simanek, 6-J.Folauf, 8-K.Newhall, 9-V.Tenkrat, 11-J.Dundacek, 13-M.Vondracek, 17-L.Mikulka, 21-S.Kovarik, 22-M.Reinvart, 23-K.Dusejovsky, 24-A.Synacek, 25-P.Klems, 26-J.Jadrny, 27-M.Milacek, 28-G.Nicolau, 29-R.Novotny, 32-J.Spacek, 33-D.Prochazka, 36-S.Rojek, 41-D.Planka, 43-M.Hrubon, 44-M.Mostecky, 45-K.Augusta, 50-O.Kraus, 51-Dav.Krejbich, 52-T.Svoboda, 53-T.Beranek, 55-M.Bolek, 56-F.Cernoch, 57-M.Jirman, 58-J.Lopez-Acosta, 59-J.Kryll, 60-P.Hruzik, 61-R.Haslar, 62-M.Ters, 63-M.Veces, 64-R.Vodolan, 66-J.Houska, 67-P.Marousek, 69-P.Poriz, 70-M.Kolonicny, 73-J.Kralik, 74-A.Kurbatau, 77-M.Frisch, 78-M.Bartos, 80-M.Dedecek, 81-M.Sindler, 83-J.Rezanka, 87-M.Tomas, 99-F.Zavadil.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Prague Lions........  0  0  6  6  - 12       Record: (0-1)
Prague Bl.Panthers.. 10 14  3  7  - 34       Record: (1-0)

Scoring Summary:
1st 12:00 PBP - Kamil Dušejovský 5 yd run (Marek Hruboň kick), 16-76 0:00, LIO 0 - PBP 7
    12:00 PBP - Marek Hruboň 33 yd field goal, 3-5 0:00, LIO 0 - PBP 10
2nd 12:00 PBP - Jan Řezanka 7 yd pass from Jan Dundáček (Marek Hruboň kick), 9-63 0:00, LIO 0 - PBP 17
    12:00 PBP - Jan Řezanka 14 yd pass from Jan Dundáček (Marek Hruboň kick), 3-23 0:00, LIO 0 - PBP 24
3rd 12:00 LIO - Ondřej Appl 76 yd interception return (Ondřej Šisl kick failed), , LIO 6 - PBP 24
    12:00 PBP - Marek Hruboň 37 yd field goal, 7-27 0:00, LIO 6 - PBP 27
4th 12:00 PBP - Jan Dundáček 34 yd run (Marek Hruboň kick), 5-51 0:00, LIO 6 - PBP 34
    12:00 LIO - Alexey Ulyanin 32 yd pass from Maximiliano Torres-Gómez (Ondřej Šisl kick failed), 13-74 0:00, LIO 12 - PBP 34

                                    LIO      PBP
FIRST DOWNS...................       12       19
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............    20-75   38-268
PASSING YDS (NET).............      103       76
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  23-11-2   20-9-2
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   44-178   58-344
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      0-0      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     4-37     2-24
Interception Returns-Yards....     2-76      2-4
Punts (Number-Avg)............    0-0.0   1-15.0
Fumbles-Lost..................      2-2      0-0
Penalties-Yards...............     5-31     9-82
Possession Time...............    24:00    24:00
Third-Down Conversions........   3 of 9  6 of 11
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   1 of 3   2 of 2
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      0-0      0-0
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      0-0      1-8

RUSHING: Prague Lions-David Růžek 14-40; Maximiliano Torres-Gómez 3-24;
Jakub Ječný 3-11. Prague Bl.Panthers-Kamil Dušejovský 22-134; Jan Dundáček 7-68;
Matěj Reinvart 8-64; Martin Mostecký 1-2.

PASSING: Prague Lions-Maximiliano Torres-Gómez 11-23-2-111; Team Lions
0-0-0-minus 8. Prague Bl.Panthers-Jan Dundáček 9-20-2-76.

RECEIVING: Prague Lions-Alexey Ulyanin 6-58; Petr Vítovec 2-5; David
Růžek 1-22; Andrey Vorobyev 1-15; Marek Suchý 1-11. Prague Bl.Panthers-Martin
Mostecký 4-29; Jan Řezanka 3-30; Jakub Woleský 1-9; Adam Synáček 1-8.

INTERCEPTIONS: Prague Lions-Ondřej Appl 1-76; Lukáš Boucký 1-0. Prague
Bl.Panthers-Pavel Klemš 1-4; Šimon Kovařík 1-0.

FUMBLES: Prague Lions-Alexey Ulyanin 1-1; Petr Vítovec 1-1. Prague

Stadium: Hostivar              Attendance: 300
Kickoff time: 14:10     End of Game: 16:35     Total elapsed time: 2:35
Officials: Referee: Richard Gazdik; Umpire: Adam Dvoracek; Linesman: Jan Hubalek;
Line judge: Peter Martincek; Back judge: Radek Janhuba; Scorer: Pavel Tojsl;
Temperature: 13 C      Wind: light     Weather: cloudy

Prague Lions vs Prague Bl.Panthers (Apr 13, 2014 at Prague) SACKS (UA-A): Prague Lions-None. Prague Bl.Panthers-Miroslav Bartoš 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): Prague Lions-Libor Boucký 2-9; Pavel Bezr 5-2; Luke Quesnell 3-2; Adam Tichý 2-4; Petr Louda 3-1; Lukáš Boucký 1-4; Ondřej Appl 1-4; Lukáš Pelikán 1-3; Ondřej Šisl 1-1; Lubomír Bachura 0-3; David Michálek 0-3; Tomáš Pachovský 0-3; Daniel Aizner 1-0; Miroslav Kysilka 1-0; Team Lions 1-0; Jackson Maurer 1-0; Martin Pilař 0-1; Sergio Raygada 0-1; Jan Jelínek 0-1. Prague Bl.Panthers-Pavel Klemš 5-1; Michael Vondráček 4-0; Jan Špaček 2-3; Karel Augusta 2-1; Filip Černoch 2-0; Šimon Kovařík 2-0; Team Black Panthers 2-0; Ondřej Kraus 1-2; Martin Jirman 1-1; Javier Lopez-Acosta 1-1; Miroslav Bartoš 1-1; Matěj Bolek 1-0; Matěj Večes 1-0; Aliaksei Kurbatau 0-1; Marek Hruboň 0-1. Player participation: Prague Lions: 2-M.Torres-Gomez, 4-P.Vitovec, 8-D.Aizner, 9-L.Bachura, 10-T.Pachovsky, 11-D.Michalek, 12-M.Suchy, 13-A.Vorobyev, 18-M.Pistej, 21-D.Ruzek, 22-O.Sisl, 23-J.Jecny, 28-M.Kalina, 29-P.Bezr, 34-A.Tichy, 35-Lib.Boucky, 37-M.Golla, 39-P.Louda, 40-L.Pelikan, 43-L.Tancinec, 44-L.Quesnell, 46-J.Vojtisek, 50-A.Vlcek, 55-O.Appl, 56-M.Kysilka, 60-S.Raygada, 61-M.Vrsansky, 63-J.Maurer, 64-J.Jelinek, 65-M.Pilar, 66-L.Maska, 70-J.Kislinger, 74-P.Vaberer, 75-D.Kriz, 77-R.Subovic, 80-J.Nedved, 84-A.Ulyanin, 87-M.Kubik, 88-R.Maler, 89-F.Matejka, 91-Luk.Boucky. Prague Bl.Panthers: 1-J.Sykora, 2-J.Wolesky, 3-M.Hildebrand, 5-J.Simanek, 6-J.Folauf, 8-K.Newhall, 9-V.Tenkrat, 11-J.Dundacek, 13-M.Vondracek, 17-L.Mikulka, 21-S.Kovarik, 22-M.Reinvart, 23-K.Dusejovsky, 24-A.Synacek, 25-P.Klems, 26-J.Jadrny, 27-M.Milacek, 28-G.Nicolau, 29-R.Novotny, 32-J.Spacek, 33-D.Prochazka, 36-S.Rojek, 41-D.Planka, 43-M.Hrubon, 44-M.Mostecky, 45-K.Augusta, 50-O.Kraus, 51-Dav.Krejbich, 52-T.Svoboda, 53-T.Beranek, 55-M.Bolek, 56-F.Cernoch, 57-M.Jirman, 58-J.Lopez-Acosta, 59-J.Kryll, 60-P.Hruzik, 61-R.Haslar, 62-M.Ters, 63-M.Veces, 64-R.Vodolan, 66-J.Houska, 67-P.Marousek, 69-P.Poriz, 70-M.Kolonicny, 73-J.Kralik, 74-A.Kurbatau, 77-M.Frisch, 78-M.Bartos, 80-M.Dedecek, 81-M.Sindler, 83-J.Rezanka, 87-M.Tomas, 99-F.Zavadil.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary

1st Quarter

Black Panthers won the toss and elected to receive.
Lio 1-10at Lio30LIO ball on LIO30, D.Ruzek kickoff 59 yards to the PBP0, J.Jadrny return 7 yards to the PBP7 (A.Tichy;D.Michalek).
Pbp 1-10at Pbp07K.Dusejovsky rush for 3 yards to the PBP10 (Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 2-7at Pbp10J.Dundacek pass intercepted by Luk.Boucky at the PBP16, Luk.Boucky return 0 yards to the PBP16, PENALTY PBP illegal formation declined.
Drive: 2 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:00
Lio 1-10at Pbp16PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Pbp16D.Ruzek rush for 7 yards to the PBP9 (P.Klems).
Lio 2-3at Pbp09D.Ruzek rush for loss of 2 yards to the PBP11 (F.Cernoch).
Lio 3-5at Pbp11D.Ruzek rush for loss of 2 yards to the PBP13.
Lio 4-7at Pbp13Timeout Prague Bl.Panthers, clock 12:00.
Lio 4-7at Pbp13O.Sisl field goal attempt from 20 BLOCKED, recovered by PBP D.Planka at PBP13 spot at PBP13, clock 12:00 (blocked by M.Bolek), D.Planka for no gain to the PBP13.
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:00
Pbp 1-10at Pbp13K.Dusejovsky rush for 1 yard to the PBP14 (S.Raygada;Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 2-9at Pbp14J.Dundacek rush for 11 yards to the PBP25, 1ST DOWN PBP (T.Pachovsky;Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 1-10at Pbp25J.Dundacek pass complete to M.Mostecky for 6 yards to the PBP31 (Lib.Boucky;L.Bachura).
Pbp 2-4at Pbp31K.Dusejovsky rush for 2 yards to the PBP33 (L.Quesnell).
Pbp 3-2at Pbp33J.Dundacek rush for 5 yards to the PBP38, 1ST DOWN PBP (Luk.Boucky).
Pbp 1-10at Pbp38J.Dundacek pass incomplete to M.Milacek.
Pbp 2-10at Pbp38K.Dusejovsky rush for 3 yards to the PBP41 (T.Pachovsky;Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 3-7at Pbp41J.Dundacek rush for 10 yards to the LIO38, 1ST DOWN PBP (Lib.Boucky;P.Bezr).
Pbp 1-10at Lio38K.Dusejovsky rush for 6 yards to the LIO32 (P.Bezr).
Pbp 2-4at Lio32J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Wolesky (L.Bachura).
Pbp 3-4at Lio32K.Dusejovsky rush for 3 yards to the LIO29 (O.Appl;Luk.Boucky).
Pbp 4-1at Lio29K.Dusejovsky rush for 2 yards to the LIO27, 1ST DOWN PBP (L.Quesnell).
Pbp 1-10at Lio27J.Dundacek pass complete to A.Synacek for 8 yards to the LIO19 (L.Bachura;L.Pelikan), PENALTY LIO offside defense declined.
Pbp 2-2at Lio19K.Dusejovsky rush for 7 yards to the LIO12, 1ST DOWN PBP (P.Bezr;T.Pachovsky).
Pbp 1-10at Lio12J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Rezanka, PENALTY LIO personal foul (O.Appl) 6 yards to the LIO6, 1ST DOWN PBP, NO PLAY.
Pbp 1-Gat Lio06K.Dusejovsky rush for 1 yard to the LIO5 (P.Louda).
Pbp 2-Gat Lio05K.Dusejovsky rush for 5 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
M.Hrubon kick attempt good.
Prague Bl.Panthers 7, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 16 plays, 76 yards, TOP 00:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 31 yards to the LIO28, on-side kick, recovered by PBP on LIO30.
Pbp 1-10at Lio30PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Lio30J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Rezanka.
Pbp 2-10at Lio30J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Wolesky.
Pbp 3-10at Lio30K.Dusejovsky rush for 5 yards to the LIO25 (Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 4-5at Lio25M.Hrubon field goal attempt from 33 GOOD, clock 12:00.
Prague Bl.Panthers 10, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 27 yards to the LIO32, O.Appl return 6 yards to the LIO38 (M.Hrubon;O.Kraus).
Lio 1-10at Lio38PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio38D.Ruzek rush for 5 yards to the LIO43 (J.Lopez-Acosta;K.Augusta).
Lio 2-5at Lio43M.Torres-Gomez sacked for loss of 8 yards to the LIO35 (M.Bartos).
Lio 3-13at Lio35M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Ulyanin for 11 yards to the PBP43, out-of-bounds (Team), PENALTY PBP personal foul (47) 15 yards to the PBP28, 1ST DOWN LIO.
Drive: 3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Bl.Panthers 10, Prague Lions 0
2nd Quarter

Lio 1-10at Pbp28Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Pbp28M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Ulyanin for 2 yards to the PBP26 (F.Cernoch).
Lio 2-8at Pbp26M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to A.Ulyanin.
Lio 3-8at Pbp26M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to A.Ulyanin.
Lio 4-8at Pbp26M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to D.Ruzek (M.Veces).
Drive: 7 plays, 25 yards, TOP 12:00
Pbp 1-10at Pbp26PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp26K.Dusejovsky rush for 9 yards to the PBP35 (P.Louda).
Pbp 2-1at Pbp35K.Dusejovsky rush for 8 yards to the PBP43, 1ST DOWN PBP (D.Michalek;A.Tichy).
Pbp 1-10at Pbp43J.Dundacek pass complete to M.Mostecky for 8 yards to the LIO38 (O.Sisl).
Pbp 2-2at Lio38J.Dundacek rush for 5 yards to the LIO33, 1ST DOWN PBP (L.Pelikan;O.Appl).
Pbp 1-10at Lio33K.Dusejovsky rush for 10 yards to the LIO23, 1ST DOWN PBP (A.Tichy;O.Appl).
Pbp 1-10at Lio23K.Dusejovsky rush for 8 yards to the LIO15 (A.Tichy).
Pbp 2-2at Lio15J.Dundacek pass incomplete (O.Appl).
Pbp 3-2at Lio15K.Dusejovsky rush for 8 yards to the LIO7, 1ST DOWN PBP (P.Bezr).
Pbp 1-Gat Lio07J.Dundacek pass complete to J.Rezanka for 7 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
M.Hrubon kick attempt good.
Prague Bl.Panthers 17, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 9 plays, 63 yards, TOP 00:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 57 yards to the LIO2, L.Bachura return 8 yards to the LIO10 (O.Kraus).
Lio 1-10at Lio10PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio10D.Ruzek rush for 7 yards to the LIO17 (M.Vondracek).
Lio 2-3at Lio17D.Ruzek rush for 1 yard to the LIO18 (K.Augusta).
Lio 3-2at Lio18M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to P.Vitovec for 7 yards to the LIO25, fumble by P.Vitovec recovered by PBP M.Vondracek at LIO23.
Drive: 3 plays, 13 yards, TOP 00:00
Pbp 1-10at Lio23PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Lio23J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Wolesky (T.Pachovsky).
Pbp 2-10at Lio23J.Dundacek pass complete to J.Wolesky for 9 yards to the LIO14 (O.Appl;P.Louda).
Pbp 3-1at Lio14J.Dundacek pass complete to J.Rezanka for 14 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN PBP, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
M.Hrubon kick attempt good.
Prague Bl.Panthers 24, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 00:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 59 yards to the LIO0, D.Ruzek return 23 yards to the LIO23, out-of-bounds.
Lio 1-10at Lio23PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio23D.Ruzek rush for 2 yards to the LIO25 (K.Augusta).
Lio 2-8at Lio25PENALTY LIO false start (D.Ruzek) 5 yards to the LIO20.
Lio 2-13at Lio20M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to A.Vorobyev, dropped pass, PENALTY PBP personal foul (M.Jirman) 15 yards to the LIO35, 1ST DOWN LIO, NO PLAY.
Lio 1-10at Lio35M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Ulyanin for 4 yards to the LIO39, out-of-bounds (M.Bolek).
Lio 2-6at Lio39PENALTY LIO false start (D.Ruzek) 5 yards to the LIO34.
Lio 2-11at Lio34M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to P.Vitovec for no gain to the LIO34 (P.Klems).
Lio 3-11at Lio34M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to D.Ruzek for 22 yards to the PBP33, 1ST DOWN LIO (M.Jirman).
Lio 1-10at Pbp33M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to M.Suchy for 11 yards to the PBP22, 1ST DOWN LIO (M.Vondracek).
Lio 1-10at Pbp22M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to A.Vorobyev.
Lio 2-10at Pbp22M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to A.Ulyanin, dropped pass.
Lio 3-10at Pbp22M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to M.Suchy.
Lio 4-10at Pbp22M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to P.Vitovec, dropped pass.
Drive: 9 plays, 44 yards, TOP 00:00
Pbp 1-10at Pbp22PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp22M.Reinvart rush for 39 yards to the LIO28, 1ST DOWN PBP (L.Bachura;D.Michalek).
Pbp 1-10at Lio28End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 1 plays, 39 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Bl.Panthers 24, Prague Lions 0
3rd Quarter

Pbp 1-10at Lio28Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, PBP ball on PBP30.
Drive: 1 plays, 39 yards, TOP 12:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 38 yards to the LIO21, fair catch by P.Vitovec.
Lio 1-10at Lio21PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio21D.Ruzek rush for 2 yards to the LIO23 (A.Kurbatau;M.Bartos).
Lio 2-8at Lio23D.Ruzek rush for 7 yards to the LIO30 (J.Spacek;P.Klems).
Lio 3-1at Lio30D.Ruzek rush for 2 yards to the LIO32, 1ST DOWN LIO (M.Jirman;J.Spacek).
Lio 1-10at Lio32M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to D.Aizner, dropped pass.
Lio 2-10at Lio32M.Torres-Gomez rush for 12 yards to the 44 yardline, 1ST DOWN LIO (M.Vondracek).
Lio 1-10at Lio44M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Ulyanin for no gain to the 44 yardline, fumble forced by P.Klems, fumble by A.Ulyanin recovered by PBP F.Cernoch at 44 yardline.
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 00:00
Pbp 1-10at Pbp44PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp44K.Dusejovsky rush for 9 yards to the LIO36 (Lib.Boucky;A.Tichy).
Pbp 2-1at Lio36J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Sykora.
Pbp 3-1at Lio36K.Dusejovsky rush for 12 yards to the LIO24, 1ST DOWN PBP (L.Pelikan).
Pbp 1-10at Lio24J.Dundacek pass complete to M.Mostecky for 9 yards to the LIO15 (Lib.Boucky;L.Pelikan).
Pbp 2-1at Lio15M.Reinvart rush for no gain to the LIO15 (Luk.Boucky;O.Sisl).
Pbp 3-1at Lio15J.Dundacek rush for no gain to the LIO15 (L.Quesnell;Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 4-1at Lio15K.Dusejovsky rush for 1 yard to the LIO14, 1ST DOWN PBP (O.Appl).
Pbp 1-10at Lio14J.Dundacek pass intercepted by O.Appl at the LIO13, O.Appl return 76 yards to the PBP0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
Drive: 8 plays, 31 yards, TOP 00:00
O.Sisl kick attempt failed.
Prague Bl.Panthers 24, Prague Lions 6
D.Ruzek kickoff 44 yards to the PBP15, A.Synacek return 17 yards to the PBP32 (M.Kysilka).
Pbp 1-10at Pbp32PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp32M.Reinvart rush for 12 yards to the 44 yardline, 1ST DOWN PBP (P.Louda).
Pbp 1-10at Pbp44PENALTY PBP false start (R.Vodolan) 5 yards to the PBP39.
Pbp 1-15at Pbp39J.Dundacek pass complete to J.Rezanka for 9 yards to the LIO41.
Pbp 2-6at Lio41J.Dundacek pass incomplete to K.Dusejovsky (J.Vojtisek), PENALTY LIO offside defense (S.Raygada) 5 yards to the LIO36, NO PLAY.
Pbp 2-1at Lio36J.Dundacek pass incomplete to J.Sykora.
Pbp 3-1at Lio36M.Reinvart rush for 5 yards to the LIO31, 1ST DOWN PBP (Luk.Boucky;J.Jelinek).
Pbp 1-10at Lio31J.Dundacek rush for 17 yards to the LIO14, out-of-bounds, PENALTY PBP holding (T.Beranek) 10 yards to the LIO41, NO PLAY.
Pbp 1-20at Lio41PENALTY PBP false start (T.Beranek) 5 yards to the PBP43.
Pbp 1-25at Pbp43J.Dundacek pass complete to M.Mostecky for 6 yards to the LIO40.
Pbp 2-19at Lio40K.Dusejovsky rush for 7 yards to the LIO33 (P.Bezr).
Pbp 3-12at Lio33J.Dundacek rush for 3 yards to the LIO30 (L.Quesnell;M.Pilar).
Pbp 4-9at Lio30Timeout Prague Bl.Panthers, clock 12:00.
Pbp 4-9at Lio30M.Hrubon field goal attempt from 37 GOOD, clock 12:00.
Prague Bl.Panthers 27, Prague Lions 6
Drive: 7 plays, 27 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Bl.Panthers 27, Prague Lions 6
4th Quarter

Pbp 1-Gat Pbp30Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00.
Drive: 7 plays, 27 yards, TOP 12:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 23 yards to the LIO36, fair catch by O.Sisl.
Lio 1-10at Lio36PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio36M.Torres-Gomez rush for 5 yards to the LIO41 (S.Kovarik).
Lio 2-5at Lio41M.Torres-Gomez pass intercepted by P.Klems at the 44 yardline, P.Klems return 4 yards to the LIO40 (D.Aizner).
Drive: 2 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:00
Pbp 1-10at Lio40PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Lio40J.Dundacek pass incomplete to M.Sindler (O.Sisl).
Pbp 2-10at Lio40M.Reinvart rush for 5 yards to the LIO35 (P.Bezr).
Pbp 3-5at Lio35J.Dundacek rush for 13 yards to the LIO22 (A.Tichy), PENALTY PBP holding (R.Haslar) 10 yards to the 44 yardline, NO PLAY.
Pbp 3-15at Pbp44M.Reinvart rush for no gain to the 44 yardline (L.Quesnell).
Pbp 4-15at Pbp44J.Wolesky punt 15 yards to the LIO30, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 00:00
Lio 1-10at Lio30PENALTY PBP personal foul (J.Dundacek) 15 yards to the 44 yardline, 1ST DOWN LIO.
Lio 1-10at Pbp44M.Torres-Gomez pass intercepted by S.Kovarik at the PBP38, S.Kovarik return 0 yards to the PBP38, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 1 plays, 15 yards, TOP 00:00
Pbp 1-10at Pbp38PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp38K.Dusejovsky rush for 15 yards to the LIO36, 1ST DOWN PBP (A.Tichy).
Pbp 1-10at Lio36K.Dusejovsky rush for 9 yards to the LIO27 (P.Bezr).
Pbp 2-1at Lio27M.Mostecky rush for 2 yards to the LIO25, 1ST DOWN PBP (Luk.Boucky;Lib.Boucky).
Pbp 1-10at Lio25M.Reinvart rush for 10 yards to the LIO15, out-of-bounds (D.Michalek;L.Bachura), PENALTY PBP holding (18) 2 yards to the LIO27, NO PLAY.
Pbp 1-12at Lio27PENALTY PBP false start (M.Sindler) 5 yards to the LIO32.
Pbp 1-17at Lio32M.Reinvart rush for loss of 2 yards to the LIO34 (J.Maurer).
Pbp 2-19at Lio34J.Dundacek rush for 34 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN PBP, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
M.Hrubon kick attempt good.
Prague Bl.Panthers 34, Prague Lions 6
Drive: 5 plays, 51 yards, TOP 00:00
M.Hrubon kickoff 44 yards to the LIO15, D.Ruzek return 0 yards to the LIO15.
Lio 1-10at Lio15PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio15J.Jecny rush for 2 yards to the LIO17 (J.Lopez-Acosta).
Lio 2-8at Lio17M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Ulyanin for 8 yards to the LIO25, 1ST DOWN LIO, out-of-bounds (P.Klems).
Lio 1-10at Lio25J.Jecny rush for 7 yards to the LIO32 (S.Kovarik).
Lio 2-3at Lio32M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to A.Vorobyev, dropped pass.
Lio 3-3at Lio32M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Vorobyev for 15 yards to the PBP42, 1ST DOWN LIO, out-of-bounds (P.Klems).
Lio 1-10at Pbp42J.Jecny rush for 2 yards to the PBP40 (J.Spacek).
Lio 2-8at Pbp40D.Ruzek rush for 3 yards to the PBP37 (Team).
Lio 3-5at Pbp37M.Torres-Gomez pass incomplete to M.Suchy.
Lio 4-5at Pbp37Timeout Prague Lions, clock 12:00.
Lio 4-5at Pbp37M.Torres-Gomez rush for 7 yards to the PBP30, 1ST DOWN LIO, out-of-bounds (J.Spacek).
Lio 1-10at Pbp30D.Ruzek rush for 9 yards to the PBP21 (M.Vondracek).
Lio 2-1at Pbp21D.Ruzek rush for 2 yards to the PBP19, 1ST DOWN LIO (O.Kraus;J.Spacek).
Lio 1-10at Pbp19D.Ruzek rush for 19 yards to the PBP0, clock 12:00, PENALTY LIO holding 10 yards to the PBP29, NO PLAY.
Lio 1-20at Pbp29D.Ruzek rush for loss of 3 yards to the PBP32 (M.Veces).
Lio 2-23at Pbp32Timeout Prague Lions, clock 12:00.
Lio 2-23at Pbp32M.Torres-Gomez pass complete to A.Ulyanin for 32 yards to the PBP0, 1ST DOWN LIO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
O.Sisl kick attempt failed.
Prague Bl.Panthers 34, Prague Lions 12
Drive: 13 plays, 74 yards, TOP 00:00
D.Ruzek kickoff 59 yards to the PBP0, touchback, PBP ball on PBP25.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp25PRAGUE BL.PANTHERS drive start at 12:00.
Pbp 1-10at Pbp25M.Reinvart rush for 5 yards to the PBP30 (Team).
Pbp 2-5at Pbp30End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 1 plays, 5 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Bl.Panthers 34, Prague Lions 12

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)

Prague Lions                           Prague Bl.Panthers

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   20   24     44     OVERALL..........   38   20     58
1ST DOWN.........   11    7     18     1ST DOWN.........   14   12     26
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    3    1      4     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    5    3      8
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    2      2     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    1      3
2ND DOWN-LONG....    3    5      8     2ND DOWN-LONG....    5    3      8
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    1    1      2     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    5    1      6
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    1      1     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    0      1
3RD DOWN-LONG....    1    5      6     3RD DOWN-LONG....    4    0      4
4TH DOWN.........    1    2      3     4TH DOWN.........    2    0      2

Prague Lions                           Prague Bl.Panthers

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   20   24     44       ...............   38   20     58

Prague Lions (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (11 RUN, 7 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 L36 #2 5 [ ] 1-10 P33 #2 to #12 11 [ ] 1-10 P30 #21 9 [ ] 1-10 P22 #2 to #13 - [ ] 1-10 L10 #21 7 [ ] 1-10 P44 #2 to #21 INT [ ] 1-10 L38 #21 5 [ ] 1-10 L32 #2 to #8 - [ ] 1-10 L21 #21 2 [ ] 1-10 P28 #2 to #84 2 [ ] 1-10 L23 #21 2 [ ] 1-10 L35 #2 to #84 4 [ ] 1-20 P29 #21 -3 [ ] 1-10 L44 #2 to #84 0 [ ] 1-10 P16 #21 7 [ ] 1-10 L25 #23 7 [ ] 1-10 P42 #23 2 [ ] 1-10 L15 #23 2 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (3 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-1 P21 #21 2 [ ] 2-3 L32 #2 to #13 - [ ] 2-3 L17 #21 1 [ ] 2-3 P09 #21 -2 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-5 L41 #2 to #25 INT [ ] 2-5 L43 #2 to # SACK [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 5 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 L32 #2 12 [ ] 2-11 L34 #2 to #4 0 [ ] 2-8 L23 #21 7 [ ] 2-8 P26 #2 to #84 - [ ] 2-8 P40 #21 3 [ ] 2-10 P22 #2 to #84 - [ ] 2-23 P32 #2 to #84 32 [ ] 2-8 L17 #2 to #84 8 [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (1 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 L30 #21 2 [ ] 3-2 L18 #2 to #4 7 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-3 L32 #2 to #13 15 [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (1 RUN, 5 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-5 P11 #21 -2 [ ] 3-10 P22 #2 to #12 - [ ] 3-5 P37 #2 to #12 - [ ] 3-11 L34 #2 to #21 22 [ ] 3-8 P26 #2 to #84 - [ ] 3-13 L35 #2 to #84 11 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (1 RUN, 2 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-5 P37 #2 7 [ ] 4-8 P26 #2 to #21 - [ ] 4-10 P22 #2 to #4 - [ ]
Prague Bl.Panthers (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (14 RUN, 12 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 P32 #22 12 [ ] 1-10 L23 #11 to #2 - [ ] 1-10 P22 #22 39 [ ] 1-10 L27 #11 to #24 8 [ ] 1-10 P25 #22 5 [ ] 1-10 P38 #11 to #27 - [ ] 1-17 L32 #22 -2 [ ] 1-10 L24 #11 to #44 9 [ ] 1-10 P44 #23 9 [ ] 1-10 P43 #11 to #44 8 [ ] 1-6 L06 #23 1 [ ] 1-25 P43 #11 to #44 6 [ ] 1-10 L36 #23 9 [ ] 1-10 P25 #11 to #44 6 [ ] 1-10 P13 #23 1 [ ] 1-10 L14 #11 to #55 INT [ ] 1-10 P26 #23 9 [ ] 1-10 L40 #11 to #81 - [ ] 1-10 L33 #23 10 [ ] 1-7 L07 #11 to #83 7 [ ] 1-10 L23 #23 8 [ ] 1-15 P39 #11 to #83 9 [ ] 1-10 L38 #23 6 [ ] 1-10 L30 #11 to #83 - [ ] 1-10 P07 #23 3 [ ] 1-10 P38 #23 15 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (5 RUN, 3 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-2 L38 #11 5 [ ] 2-1 L36 #11 to #1 - [ ] 2-1 L15 #22 0 [ ] 2-1 L36 #11 to #1 - [ ] 2-2 L19 #23 7 [ ] 2-2 L15 #11 to # - [ ] 2-1 P35 #23 8 [ ] 2-1 L27 #44 2 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 P31 #23 2 [ ] 2-4 L32 #11 to #2 - [ ] 2-5 L05 #23 5 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (5 RUN, 3 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-9 P14 #11 11 [ ] 2-10 L30 #11 to #2 - [ ] 2-19 L34 #11 34 [ ] 2-10 L23 #11 to #2 9 [ ] 2-10 L40 #22 5 [ ] 2-7 P10 #11 to #91 INT [ ] 2-19 L40 #23 7 [ ] 2-10 P38 #23 3 [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (5 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-2 P33 #11 5 [ ] 3-1 L14 #11 to #83 14 [ ] 3-1 L15 #11 0 [ ] 3-1 L36 #22 5 [ ] 3-1 L36 #23 12 [ ] 3-2 L15 #23 8 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 L32 #23 3 [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (4 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-7 P41 #11 10 [ ] 3-12 L33 #11 3 [ ] 3-15 P44 #22 0 [ ] 3-10 L30 #23 5 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-1 L15 #23 1 [ ] 4-1 L29 #23 2 [ ]