Prague Lions vs Prague Black Hawks (Jul 07, 2012)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)

Prague Lions (8-1) vs. Prague Black Hawks (6-1)

Date: Jul 07, 2012 • Site: Prague  • Stadium: Slavia  •  Attendance: 320

Score by Quarters  Score 
Prague Lions   0  0  0  0  0 
Prague Black Hawks   7  14  14  6  41 

1st  12:00  BLH   O.Visek 29 yd run (D.Tomanik kick) 
         10 plays, 87 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 7 
2nd  12:00  BLH   A.Whyte 8 yd run (D.Tomanik kick) 
         9 plays, 63 yards, TOP 12:00  0 - 14 
  12:00  BLH   O.Visek 4 yd run (D.Tomanik kick) 
         6 plays, 80 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 21 
3rd  12:00  BLH   A.Whyte 9 yd run (D.Tomanik kick) 
         10 plays, 49 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 28 
  12:00  BLH   D.Balazovic 16 yd pass from F.Garza (D.Tomanik kick) 
         8 plays, 61 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 35 
4th  12:00  BLH   D.Balazovic 32 yd pass from F.Garza (D.Tomanik kick failed) 
         6 plays, 63 yards, TOP 0:00  0 - 41 

Kickoff time: 14:00  • End of Game: 16:15  • Total elapsed time: 2:15
Referee: M.Rosival  •  Umpire: J.Klimes  •  Linesman: P.Bouzek  •  Line judge: R.Kroulik  •  Back judge: R.Janhuba  •  Field judge: P.Valenta  •  Scorer: J.Gabriel  • 
Temperature: 25 C  • Wind: Light  • Weather: Rainy


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)

 Team Totals  LIO  BLH 
   Rushing  12 
   Rushing Attempts  25  35 
   Average Per Rush  3.5  6.5 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  110  242 
   Yards Lost Rushing  23  15 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  5-16-0  11-23-0 
   Average Per Attempt  2.0  9.3 
   Average Per Completion  6.4  19.5 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  41  58 
   Average Gain Per Play  2.9  7.6 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  2-0 
Penalties: Number-Yards  3-25  2-10 
PUNTS-YARDS  4-148  0-0 
   Average Yards Per Punt  37.0  0.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt  33.0  0.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  1-40  7-264 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  40.0  37.7 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  19.0  28.1 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  2-16-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  8.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  7-67-0  1-21-0 
   Average Per Return  9.6  21.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  24:00  12:00 
   1st Quarter  0:00  12:00 
   2nd Quarter  12:00  0:00 
   3rd Quarter  12:00  0:00 
   4th Quarter  0:00  0:00 
Third-Down Conversions  1 of 10  9 of 12 
Fourth-Down Conversions  2 of 5  2 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  0-0  1-1 
   Touchdowns  0-0  1-1 
   Field goals  0-0  0-1 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  2-13  3-19 
PAT Kicks  0-0  5-6 
Field Goals  0-0  0-1 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)

Prague Lions
Prague Black Hawks
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
B.A.Brown   52  19  33  21  3.7 
L.Ruzek   11  32  28  14  2.5 
G.Cooper   26  26  5.2 
Totals...  25  110  23  87  21  3.5 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
O.Visek   15  153  152  50  10.1 
M.Reinvart   38  37  22  4.6 
A.Whyte   31  31  6.2 
M.Mostecky   12  12  4.0 
P.Jiricek   4.0 
F.Garza   13  -13  -6.5 
Totals...  35  242  15  227  50  6.5 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
B.A.Brown   5-16-0  32  11 
Totals...  5-16-0  32  11 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
F.Garza   11-23-0  215  46 
Totals...  11-23-0  215  46 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
G.Cooper   12  10 
J.John   11  11 
Totals...  32  11 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
S.Jantos   34  16 
J.Shrum   62  46 
D.Balazovic   48  32 
O.Straka   27  19 
J.Kohut   28  28 
M.Hamza   16  16 
Totals...  11  215  46 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
L.Pelikan   148  37.0  50 
Totals...  148  37.0  50 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Totals...  0.0 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
G.Cooper   35  19 
P.Vitovec   -1 
L.Ruzek   29  27 
Totals...  67  27 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
S.Jantos   21  21 
J.Shrum   16 
Totals...  16  21  21 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
G.Cooper   26  12  35  73 
L.Ruzek   28  29  57 
B.A.Brown   33  33 
J.John   11  11 
P.Vitovec   -1  -1 
Totals...  87  32  67  186 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
O.Visek   152  152 
J.Shrum   62  16  78 
S.Jantos   34  21  55 
D.Balazovic   48  48 
M.Reinvart   37  37 
A.Whyte   31  31 
J.Kohut   28  28 
O.Straka   27  27 
M.Hamza   16  16 
M.Mostecky   12  12 
F.Garza   -13  -13 
Totals...  227  215  21  16  479 
D.Tomanik  2nd  12:00  46 yards  Missed 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
O.Sisl   40  40.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
D.Tomanik   119  29.8 
V.Podhradsky   145  48.3 
FUMBLES: Prague Lions-None. Prague Black Hawks-F.Garza 1-0.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
LIO   1st  P28  12:00  Kickoff  P37  12:00     Punt  3-9  0:00    
LIO   1st  P32  12:00  Kickoff  P43  12:00     Punt  5-11  0:00    
LIO   2nd  P37  12:00  Kickoff  H21  12:00     Downs  10-32  0:00    
LIO   2nd  P29  12:00  Missed FG  P38  12:00     Punt  3-9  0:00    
LIO   2nd  P29  12:00  Kickoff  P35  00:00     End of half  1-6  12:00    
LIO   3rd  P39  12:00  Kickoff  P41  12:00     Punt  3-2  0:00    
LIO   3rd  P35  12:00  Kickoff  H27  12:00     Downs  9-28  12:00    
LIO   4th  P28  12:00  Kickoff  P45  12:00     Downs  7-17  0:00    
BLH   1st  H03  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  10-87  0:00    
BLH   1st  H27  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  9-63  12:00 
BLH   2nd  H21  12:00  Downs  P29  12:00     Missed FG  4-40  0:00    
BLH   2nd  H10  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  6-80  0:00 
BLH   3rd  H41  12:00  Kickoff  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  10-49  0:00 
BLH   3rd  H29  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  8-61  0:00 
BLH   4th  H27  12:00  Downs  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  6-63  0:00    
BLH   4th  H45  12:00  Downs  P32  12:00     End of half  5-13  0:00    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Prague Lions   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   00:00   12:00   12:00   00:00      12:00   12:00      24:00  
3rd Down Conversions   0/2   0/3   0/2   1/3      0/5   1/5      1/10  
Average field position  -   P29   P35   -      P29   P35      P32  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   1/2   1/1   0/2      1/2   1/3      2/5  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Prague Black Hawks   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   12:00   00:00   00:00   00:00      12:00   00:00      12:00  
3rd Down Conversions   5/5   0/1   2/4   2/2      5/6   4/6      9/12  
Average field position  H27   -   -   -      H27   -      H27  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   2/2   0/0      0/0   2/2      2/2  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
LIO   1st  P28  12:00  Kickoff  P37  12:00     Punt  3-9  0:00    
BLH   1st  H03  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  10-87  0:00    
LIO   1st  P32  12:00  Kickoff  P43  12:00     Punt  5-11  0:00    
BLH   1st  H27  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  9-63  12:00 
LIO   2nd  P37  12:00  Kickoff  H21  12:00     Downs  10-32  0:00    
BLH   2nd  H21  12:00  Downs  P29  12:00     Missed FG  4-40  0:00    
LIO   2nd  P29  12:00  Missed FG  P38  12:00     Punt  3-9  0:00    
BLH   2nd  H10  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  6-80  0:00 
LIO   2nd  P29  12:00  Kickoff  P35  00:00     End of half  1-6  12:00    
BLH   3rd  H41  12:00  Kickoff  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  10-49  0:00 
LIO   3rd  P39  12:00  Kickoff  P41  12:00     Punt  3-2  0:00    
BLH   3rd  H29  12:00  Punt  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  8-61  0:00 
LIO   3rd  P35  12:00  Kickoff  H27  12:00     Downs  9-28  12:00    
BLH   4th  H27  12:00  Downs  P00  12:00  TOUCHDOWN  6-63  0:00    
LIO   4th  P28  12:00  Kickoff  P45  12:00     Downs  7-17  0:00    
BLH   4th  H45  12:00  Downs  P32  12:00     End of half  5-13  0:00    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)

##  Prague Lions   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
14  J-A.Johnson   10.0  .   .   .   .  
32  M.Krivohlavy   6.5  1.0/7   .   .   1.0/7  
50  J.Myslivecek   5.0  1.5/7   .   .   1.0/6  
7   P.Louda   3.5  .   .   .   .  
40  L.Pelikan   3.5  1.0/1   .   .   .  
22  O.Sisl   3.0  .   .   .   .  
20  L.Bachura   2.5  .   .   .   .  
55  O.Appl   2.5  0.5/0   .   .   .  
6   T.Louda   2.0  .   .   .   .  
91  L.Boucky   1.5  .   .   .   .  
81  P.Vitovec   1.0  .   .   .   .  
12  M.Suchy   0.5  .   .   .   .  
10  T.Pachovsky   0.5  .   .   .   .  
##  Prague Black Hawks   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
43  J.Murgas   6.5  0.5/1   .   .   .  
30  A.Whyte   4.0  .   .   .   .  
22  T.Bartos   4.0  2.0/5   .   .   1.0/4  
57  S.Kolarik   3.5  1.0/8   .   .   1.0/8  
55  B.Rom   3.5  0.5/3   .   .   0.5/3  
2   J.Shrum   3.0  .   .   .   .  
8   P.Datel   2.5  1.5/5   .   .   0.5/4  
18  J.Jadrny   2.0  .   .   .   .  
69  P.Poriz   2.0  .   .   .   .  
64  Z.Dvorak   1.0  .   .   .   .  
32  R.Svec   1.0  0.5/1   .   .   .  
14  J.Furbach   0.5  .   .   .   .  
63  M.Veces   0.5  .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)

Prague Lions: 2-H.Hrabik, 4-J.Jirgle, 5-G.Cooper, 6-T.Louda, 7-P.Louda, 9-O.Hron, 10-T.Pachovsky, 11-B.A.Brown, 12-M.Suchy, 13-D.Michalek, 14-J-A.Johnson, 15-L.Kubat, 20-L.Bachura, 22-O.Sisl, 28-M.Kozak, 29-F-K.Natabou, 30-M.Kozlicek, 31-D.Kriz, 32-M.Krivohlavy, 34-L.Ruzek, 40-L.Pelikan, 47-D.Aizner, 50-J.Myslivecek, 51-R.Haslar, 52-A.Vlcek, 53-P.Bezr, 55-O.Appl, 61-P.Fanta, 64-J.Jelinek, 65-M.Brzobohaty, 66-J.Sucharda, 67-M.Golla, 68-M.Sanek, 69-M.Opl, 70-M.Lembke, 72-L.Maska, 80-M.Pistej, 81-P.Vitovec, 82-A.Ulyanin, 88-J.John, 90-J.Kislinger, 91-L.Boucky.

Prague Black Hawks: 1-F.Garza, 2-J.Shrum, 5-O.Straka, 7-P.Jiricek, 8-P.Datel, 9-S.Jantos, 13-D.Tomanik, 14-J.Furbach, 17-D.Balazovic, 18-J.Jadrny, 20-P.Tumpach, 21-V.Podhradsky, 22-T.Bartos, 29-O.Visek, 30-A.Whyte, 32-R.Svec, 35-M.Reinvart, 43-J.Murgas, 44-M.Mostecky, 48-M.Hamza, 55-B.Rom, 56-J.Zeman, 57-S.Kolarik, 60-J.Becka, 63-M.Veces, 64-Z.Dvorak, 65-M.Mayer, 69-P.Poriz, 70-M.Knotek, 71-A.Vesely, 74-A.Kurbatau, 75-V.Krpec, 76-F.Janyr, 78-L.Jira, 79-J.Spacek, 81-J.Kohut, 91-M.Vondracek.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Prague Lions........  0  0  0  0  -  0       Record: (8-1)
Prague Black Hawks..  7 14 14  6  - 41       Record: (6-1)

Scoring Summary:
1st 12:00 BLH - O.Visek 29 yd run (D.Tomanik kick), 10-87 0:00, LIO 0 - BLH 7
2nd 12:00 BLH - A.Whyte 8 yd run (D.Tomanik kick), 9-63 12:00, LIO 0 - BLH 14
    12:00 BLH - O.Visek 4 yd run (D.Tomanik kick), 6-80 0:00, LIO 0 - BLH 21
3rd 12:00 BLH - A.Whyte 9 yd run (D.Tomanik kick), 10-49 0:00, LIO 0 - BLH 28
    12:00 BLH - D.Balazovic 16 yd pass from F.Garza (D.Tomanik kick), 8-61 0:00, LIO 0 - BLH 35
4th 12:00 BLH - D.Balazovic 32 yd pass from F.Garza (D.Tomanik kick failed), 6-63 0:00, LIO 0 - BLH 41

                                    LIO      BLH
FIRST DOWNS...................        6       22
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............    25-87   35-227
PASSING YDS (NET).............       32      215
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........   16-5-0  23-11-0
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   41-119   58-442
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      0-0     2-16
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     7-67     1-21
Interception Returns-Yards....      0-0      0-0
Punts (Number-Avg)............   4-37.0    0-0.0
Fumbles-Lost..................      0-0      2-0
Penalties-Yards...............     3-25     2-10
Possession Time...............    24:00    12:00
Third-Down Conversions........  1 of 10  9 of 12
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   2 of 5   2 of 2
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      0-0      1-1
Sacks By: Number-Yards........     2-13     3-19

RUSHING: Prague Lions-B.A.Brown 9-33; L.Ruzek 11-28; G.Cooper 5-26.
Prague Black Hawks-O.Visek 15-152; M.Reinvart 8-37; A.Whyte 5-31; M.Mostecky
3-12; P.Jiricek 2-8; F.Garza 2-minus 13.

PASSING: Prague Lions-B.A.Brown 5-16-0-32. Prague Black Hawks-F.Garza

RECEIVING: Prague Lions-G.Cooper 3-12; J.John 1-11; M.Suchy 1-9. Prague
Black Hawks-S.Jantos 3-34; J.Shrum 2-62; D.Balazovic 2-48; O.Straka 2-27;
J.Kohut 1-28; M.Hamza 1-16.

INTERCEPTIONS: Prague Lions-None. Prague Black Hawks-None.

FUMBLES: Prague Lions-None. Prague Black Hawks-F.Garza 1-0.

Stadium: Slavia                Attendance: 320
Kickoff time: 14:00     End of Game: 16:15     Total elapsed time: 2:15
Officials: Referee: M.Rosival; Umpire: J.Klimes; Linesman: P.Bouzek;
Line judge: R.Kroulik; Back judge: R.Janhuba; Field judge: P.Valenta;
Scorer: J.Gabriel;
Temperature: 25 C      Wind: Light     Weather: Rainy

Prague Lions vs Prague Black Hawks (Jul 07, 2012 at Prague) SACKS (UA-A): Prague Lions-M.Krivohlavy 1-0; J.Myslivecek 1-0. Prague Black Hawks-B.Rom 0-1; P.Datel 0-1; S.Kolarik 1-0; T.Bartos 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): Prague Lions-J-A.Johnson 8-4; M.Krivohlavy 4-5; J.Myslivecek 3-4; P.Louda 3-1; L.Pelikan 2-3; O.Sisl 2-2; L.Bachura 2-1; O.Appl 0-5; T.Louda 1-2; L.Boucky 0-3; P.Vitovec 1-0; T.Pachovsky 0-1; M.Suchy 0-1. Prague Black Hawks-J.Murgas 5-3; A.Whyte 3-2; T.Bartos 3-2; S.Kolarik 3-1; B.Rom 2-3; J.Shrum 2-2; P.Datel 2-1; J.Jadrny 2-0; P.Poriz 2-0; Z.Dvorak 1-0; R.Svec 0-2; J.Furbach 0-1; M.Veces 0-1. Player participation: Prague Lions: 2-H.Hrabik, 4-J.Jirgle, 5-G.Cooper, 6-T.Louda, 7-P.Louda, 9-O.Hron, 10-T.Pachovsky, 11-B.A.Brown, 12-M.Suchy, 13-D.Michalek, 14-J-A.Johnson, 15-L.Kubat, 20-L.Bachura, 22-O.Sisl, 28-M.Kozak, 29-F-K.Natabou, 30-M.Kozlicek, 31-D.Kriz, 32-M.Krivohlavy, 34-L.Ruzek, 40-L.Pelikan, 47-D.Aizner, 50-J.Myslivecek, 51-R.Haslar, 52-A.Vlcek, 53-P.Bezr, 55-O.Appl, 61-P.Fanta, 64-J.Jelinek, 65-M.Brzobohaty, 66-J.Sucharda, 67-M.Golla, 68-M.Sanek, 69-M.Opl, 70-M.Lembke, 72-L.Maska, 80-M.Pistej, 81-P.Vitovec, 82-A.Ulyanin, 88-J.John, 90-J.Kislinger, 91-L.Boucky. Prague Black Hawks: 1-F.Garza, 2-J.Shrum, 5-O.Straka, 7-P.Jiricek, 8-P.Datel, 9-S.Jantos, 13-D.Tomanik, 14-J.Furbach, 17-D.Balazovic, 18-J.Jadrny, 20-P.Tumpach, 21-V.Podhradsky, 22-T.Bartos, 29-O.Visek, 30-A.Whyte, 32-R.Svec, 35-M.Reinvart, 43-J.Murgas, 44-M.Mostecky, 48-M.Hamza, 55-B.Rom, 56-J.Zeman, 57-S.Kolarik, 60-J.Becka, 63-M.Veces, 64-Z.Dvorak, 65-M.Mayer, 69-P.Poriz, 70-M.Knotek, 71-A.Vesely, 74-A.Kurbatau, 75-V.Krpec, 76-F.Janyr, 78-L.Jira, 79-J.Spacek, 81-J.Kohut, 91-M.Vondracek.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary

1st Quarter

Lions won the toss. Elected to receive.
Lio 1-10at Lio30BLH ball on BLH30.
V.Podhradsky kickoff 48 yards to the LIO12, G.Cooper return 16 yards to the LIO28 (S.Kolarik).
Lio 1-10at Lio28L.Ruzek rush for 3 yards to the LIO31 (J.Murgas;A.Whyte).
Lio 2-7at Lio31L.Ruzek rush for loss of 1 yard to the LIO30 (P.Datel).
Lio 3-8at Lio30B.A.Brown rush for 7 yards to the LIO37 (A.Whyte).
Lio 4-1at Lio37Timeout Prague Black Hawks, clock 12:00.
Lio 4-1at Lio37L.Pelikan punt 50 yards to the BLH3.
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 00:00
Blh 1-10at Blh03PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh03F.Garza pass complete to S.Jantos for 15 yards to the BLH18, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 1-10at Blh18F.Garza pass incomplete to J.Kohut.
Blh 2-10at Blh18O.Visek rush for 6 yards to the BLH24 (P.Louda).
Blh 3-4at Blh24F.Garza pass complete to M.Hamza for 16 yards to the BLH40, 1ST DOWN BLH (O.Sisl).
Blh 1-10at Blh40F.Garza pass incomplete.
Blh 2-10at Blh40F.Garza pass incomplete to S.Jantos.
Blh 3-10at Blh40PENALTY LIO offside defense (L.Boucky) 5 yards to the 45 yardline.
Blh 3-5at Blh45O.Visek rush for 7 yards to the LIO38, 1ST DOWN BLH (T.Louda;T.Pachovsky).
Blh 1-10at Lio38O.Visek rush for 9 yards to the LIO29 (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 2-1at Lio29F.Garza pass incomplete to D.Balazovic.
Blh 3-1at Lio29O.Visek rush for 29 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN BLH, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
D.Tomanik kick attempt good.
Prague Black Hawks 7, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 10 plays, 87 yards, TOP 00:00
V.Podhradsky kickoff 47 yards to the LIO13, G.Cooper return 19 yards to the LIO32 (B.Rom).
Lio 1-10at Lio32PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio32G.Cooper rush for 6 yards to the LIO38 (J.Jadrny).
Lio 2-4at Lio38G.Cooper rush for 5 yards to the LIO43, 1ST DOWN LIO (J.Shrum).
Lio 1-10at Lio43G.Cooper rush for 6 yards to the BLH41 (J.Jadrny).
Lio 2-4at Blh41L.Ruzek rush for 1 yard to the BLH40 (Z.Dvorak).
Lio 3-3at Blh40B.A.Brown sacked for loss of 7 yards to the LIO43 (P.Datel;B.Rom).
Lio 4-10at Lio43L.Pelikan punt 27 yards to the BLH20, J.Shrum return 7 yards to the BLH27 (P.Vitovec).
Drive: 5 plays, 11 yards, TOP 00:00
Blh 1-10at Blh27PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh27O.Visek rush for 6 yards to the BLH33 (T.Louda;M.Krivohlavy).
Blh 2-4at Blh33F.Garza pass incomplete to D.Balazovic.
Blh 3-4at Blh33O.Visek rush for 8 yards to the BLH41, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 1-10at Blh41F.Garza sacked for loss of 6 yards to the BLH35 (J.Myslivecek).
Blh 2-16at Blh35F.Garza pass complete to J.Kohut for 28 yards to the LIO27, 1ST DOWN BLH (O.Sisl).
Blh 1-10at Lio27F.Garza pass incomplete to J.Kohut.
Blh 2-10at Lio27A.Whyte rush for 3 yards to the LIO24 (M.Krivohlavy;L.Pelikan).
Blh 3-7at Lio24F.Garza pass complete to S.Jantos for 16 yards to the LIO8, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson;O.Sisl).
Drive: 8 plays, 55 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Black Hawks 7, Prague Lions 0
2nd Quarter

Blh 1-Gat Lio08Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00.
Blh 1-Gat Lio08A.Whyte rush for 8 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
D.Tomanik kick attempt good.
Prague Black Hawks 14, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 9 plays, 63 yards, TOP 12:00
V.Podhradsky kickoff 50 yards to the LIO10, L.Ruzek return 27 yards to the LIO37 (S.Kolarik).
Lio 1-10at Lio37PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio37G.Cooper rush for 5 yards to the LIO42 (J.Murgas).
Lio 2-5at Lio42G.Cooper rush for 4 yards to the BLH44 (B.Rom).
Lio 3-1at Blh44L.Ruzek rush for loss of 1 yard to the 45 yardline (T.Bartos).
Lio 4-2at Lio45L.Ruzek rush for 3 yards to the BLH42, 1ST DOWN LIO (T.Bartos).
Lio 1-10at Blh42L.Ruzek rush for 2 yards to the BLH40 (P.Poriz).
Lio 2-8at Blh40B.A.Brown pass complete to J.John for 11 yards to the BLH29, 1ST DOWN LIO (J.Murgas).
Lio 1-10at Blh29L.Ruzek rush for loss of 2 yards to the BLH31 (R.Svec;J.Murgas).
Lio 2-12at Blh31B.A.Brown pass complete to G.Cooper for 2 yards to the BLH29 (J.Shrum).
Lio 3-10at Blh29B.A.Brown rush for 8 yards to the BLH21, out-of-bounds.
Lio 4-2at Blh21B.A.Brown pass incomplete (J.Jadrny).
Drive: 10 plays, 32 yards, TOP 00:00
Blh 1-10at Blh21PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh21O.Visek rush for 50 yards to the LIO19, 1ST DOWN BLH (L.Bachura).
Blh 1-10at Lio19PENALTY BLH delay of game (F.Garza) 5 yards to the LIO24.
Blh 1-15at Lio24O.Visek rush for loss of 1 yard to the LIO25 (J.Myslivecek;O.Appl).
Blh 2-16at Lio25M.Mostecky rush for 3 yards to the LIO22 (M.Krivohlavy;L.Boucky).
Blh 3-13at Lio22F.Garza sacked for loss of 7 yards to the LIO29 (M.Krivohlavy).
Blh 4-20at Lio29D.Tomanik field goal attempt from 46 MISSED - wide right, spot at LIO29, clock 12:00.
Drive: 4 plays, 40 yards, TOP 00:00
Lio 1-10at Lio29PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio29B.A.Brown rush for 6 yards to the LIO35 (P.Datel).
Lio 2-4at Lio35B.A.Brown rush for 2 yards to the LIO37, out-of-bounds (A.Whyte;R.Svec).
Lio 3-2at Lio37L.Ruzek rush for 1 yard to the LIO38 (J.Murgas).
Lio 4-1at Lio38L.Pelikan punt 42 yards to the BLH10.
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 00:00
Blh 1-10at Blh10PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh10F.Garza pass incomplete to J.Kohut.
Blh 2-10at Blh10F.Garza pass complete to J.Shrum for 46 yards to the LIO34, 1ST DOWN BLH (L.Bachura).
Blh 1-10at Lio34F.Garza pass complete to J.Shrum for 16 yards to the LIO18, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 1-10at Lio18O.Visek rush for 8 yards to the LIO10 (O.Appl;J-A.Johnson).
Blh 2-2at Lio10O.Visek rush for 6 yards to the LIO4, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson;M.Krivohlavy).
Blh 1-Gat Lio04O.Visek rush for 4 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
D.Tomanik kick attempt good.
Prague Black Hawks 21, Prague Lions 0
Blh 1-Gat Blh30PENALTY BLH substitution infraction 5 yards to the BLH25.
Drive: 6 plays, 80 yards, TOP 00:00
D.Tomanik kickoff 35 yards to the LIO30, P.Vitovec return -1 yards to the LIO29 (J.Furbach;S.Kolarik).
Lio 1-10at Lio29PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio29L.Ruzek rush for 6 yards to the LIO35 (P.Poriz).
Lio 2-4at Lio35End of half, clock 12:00.
Drive: 1 plays, 6 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Black Hawks 21, Prague Lions 0
3rd Quarter

Lio 2-4at Lio35Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, LIO ball on LIO30.
Drive: 1 plays, 6 yards, TOP 12:00
O.Sisl kickoff 40 yards to the BLH20, S.Jantos return 21 yards to the BLH41 (L.Pelikan).
Blh 1-10at Blh41PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh41F.Garza pass incomplete.
Blh 2-10at Blh41F.Garza pass incomplete.
Blh 3-10at Blh41O.Visek rush for 5 yards to the LIO44 (J.Myslivecek;O.Appl).
Blh 4-5at Lio44O.Visek rush for 9 yards to the LIO35, 1ST DOWN BLH (P.Louda).
Blh 1-10at Lio35F.Garza pass incomplete to D.Balazovic.
Blh 2-10at Lio35O.Visek rush for 2 yards to the LIO33 (P.Louda;L.Boucky).
Blh 3-8at Lio33F.Garza pass complete to O.Straka for 19 yards to the LIO14, 1ST DOWN BLH (M.Krivohlavy).
Blh 1-10at Lio14O.Visek rush for 4 yards to the LIO10 (M.Krivohlavy;M.Suchy).
Blh 2-6at Lio10M.Mostecky rush for 1 yard to the LIO9 (M.Krivohlavy).
Blh 3-5at Lio09A.Whyte rush for 9 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN BLH, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
D.Tomanik kick attempt good.
Prague Black Hawks 28, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 10 plays, 49 yards, TOP 00:00
D.Tomanik kickoff 25 yards to the LIO35, J-A.Johnson return 4 yards to the LIO39 (T.Bartos;B.Rom).
Lio 1-10at Lio39PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio39B.A.Brown pass incomplete to H.Hrabik.
Lio 2-10at Lio39L.Ruzek rush for 2 yards to the LIO41 (J.Murgas).
Lio 3-8at Lio41B.A.Brown pass incomplete to P.Vitovec.
Lio 4-8at Lio41L.Pelikan punt 29 yards to the BLH20, J.Shrum return 9 yards to the BLH29, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, 2 yards, TOP 00:00
Blh 1-10at Blh29PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh29F.Garza pass incomplete to J.Kohut.
Blh 2-10at Blh29P.Jiricek rush for 5 yards to the BLH34 (M.Krivohlavy).
Blh 3-5at Blh34F.Garza pass complete to S.Jantos for 3 yards to the BLH37 (P.Louda).
Blh 4-2at Blh37A.Whyte rush for 2 yards to the BLH39, 1ST DOWN BLH (J.Myslivecek).
Blh 1-10at Blh39A.Whyte rush for 9 yards to the LIO42 (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 2-1at Lio42P.Jiricek rush for 3 yards to the LIO39, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 1-10at Lio39M.Mostecky rush for 8 yards to the LIO31 (J-A.Johnson), PENALTY LIO personal foul (L.Bachura) 15 yards to the LIO16, 1ST DOWN BLH.
Blh 1-10at Lio16F.Garza pass complete to D.Balazovic for 16 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN BLH, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
D.Tomanik kick attempt good.
Prague Black Hawks 35, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 8 plays, 61 yards, TOP 00:00
D.Tomanik kickoff 27 yards to the LIO33, L.Ruzek return 2 yards to the LIO35 (A.Whyte).
Lio 1-10at Lio35PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio35B.A.Brown pass complete to G.Cooper for 10 yards to the 45 yardline, 1ST DOWN LIO.
Lio 1-10at Lio45B.A.Brown pass complete to M.Suchy for 9 yards to the BLH36 (J.Shrum;B.Rom).
Lio 2-1at Blh36B.A.Brown pass incomplete to G.Cooper (J.Shrum).
Lio 3-1at Blh36PENALTY LIO offside (J.Sucharda) 5 yards to the BLH41.
Lio 3-6at Blh41B.A.Brown pass incomplete to H.Hrabik (J.Jadrny).
Lio 4-6at Blh41L.Ruzek rush for 14 yards to the BLH27, 1ST DOWN LIO (J.Shrum;T.Bartos).
Drive: 5 plays, 28 yards, TOP 12:00
Prague Black Hawks 35, Prague Lions 0
4th Quarter

Lio 1-10at Blh27Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Blh27B.A.Brown sacked for loss of 8 yards to the BLH35 (S.Kolarik).
Lio 2-18at Blh35B.A.Brown pass complete to G.Cooper for no gain to the BLH35 (J.Murgas).
Lio 3-18at Blh35B.A.Brown pass incomplete.
Lio 4-18at Blh35B.A.Brown rush for 8 yards to the BLH27 (M.Veces;J.Murgas).
Drive: 9 plays, 28 yards, TOP 12:00
Blh 1-10at Blh27PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh27M.Reinvart rush for 22 yards to the LIO41, 1ST DOWN BLH (L.Bachura;L.Pelikan).
Blh 1-10at Lio41M.Reinvart rush for 1 yard to the LIO40 (T.Louda).
Blh 2-9at Lio40F.Garza pass complete to O.Straka for 8 yards to the LIO32 (O.Sisl;L.Pelikan).
Blh 3-1at Lio32M.Reinvart rush for 2 yards to the LIO30, 1ST DOWN BLH (O.Appl;J-A.Johnson).
Blh 1-10at Lio30M.Reinvart rush for loss of 1 yard to the LIO31 (L.Pelikan).
Blh 2-11at Lio31Fumble by F.Garza, fumble by recovered by BLH F.Garza at LIO32.
Blh 2-12at Lio32F.Garza pass complete to D.Balazovic for 32 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN BLH, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:00.
D.Tomanik kick attempt failed.
Prague Black Hawks 41, Prague Lions 0
Drive: 6 plays, 63 yards, TOP 00:00
D.Tomanik kickoff 32 yards to the LIO28, G.Cooper return 0 yards to the LIO28 (A.Whyte).
Lio 1-10at Lio28PRAGUE LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio28B.A.Brown pass incomplete to G.Cooper (J.Jadrny).
Lio 2-10at Lio28B.A.Brown pass incomplete.
Lio 3-10at Lio28B.A.Brown rush for 21 yards to the BLH41, 1ST DOWN LIO, out-of-bounds.
Lio 1-10at Blh41B.A.Brown pass incomplete.
Lio 2-10at Blh41B.A.Brown sacked for loss of 4 yards to the 45 yardline (T.Bartos).
Lio 3-14at Lio45B.A.Brown pass incomplete.
Lio 4-14at Lio45B.A.Brown pass incomplete.
Drive: 7 plays, 17 yards, TOP 00:00
Blh 1-10at Blh45PRAGUE BLACK HAWKS drive start at 12:00.
Blh 1-10at Blh45M.Reinvart rush for 1 yard to the LIO44 (J.Myslivecek).
Blh 2-9at Lio44M.Reinvart rush for 3 yards to the LIO41 (J.Myslivecek;O.Appl).
Blh 3-6at Lio41M.Reinvart rush for 7 yards to the LIO34, 1ST DOWN BLH (J-A.Johnson).
Blh 1-10at Lio34F.Garza pass incomplete.
Blh 2-10at Lio34M.Reinvart rush for 2 yards to the LIO32 (L.Boucky;J.Myslivecek).
Blh 3-8at Lio32End of game, clock 12:00.
Drive: 5 plays, 13 yards, TOP 00:00
Prague Black Hawks 41, Prague Lions 0

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)

Prague Lions                           Prague Black Hawks

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   22   19     41     OVERALL..........   33   25     58
1ST DOWN.........    8    6     14     1ST DOWN.........   14   12     26
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    0    1      1     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    2    1      3
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    4    0      4     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    1      2
2ND DOWN-LONG....    2    5      7     2ND DOWN-LONG....    7    6     13
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    1      1     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    1      2
3RD DOWN-LONG....    3    4      7     3RD DOWN-LONG....    4    4      8
4TH DOWN.........    3    2      5     4TH DOWN.........    2    0      2

Prague Lions                           Prague Black Hawks

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   22   19     41       ...............   33   25     58

Prague Lions (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (8 RUN, 6 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 P29 #11 6 [ ] 1-10 P45 #11 to #12 9 [ ] 1-10 P28 #34 3 [ ] 1-10 P39 #11 to #2 - [ ] 1-10 P29 #34 6 [ ] 1-10 P35 #11 to #5 10 [ ] 1-10 H29 #34 -2 [ ] 1-10 P28 #11 to #5 - [ ] 1-10 H42 #34 2 [ ] 1-10 H41 #11 to # - [ ] 1-10 P37 #5 5 [ ] 1-10 H27 #11 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 P32 #5 6 [ ] 1-10 P43 #5 6 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-1 H36 #11 to #5 - [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (4 RUN, 0 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 P35 #11 2 [ ] 2-4 H41 #34 1 [ ] 2-5 P42 #5 4 [ ] 2-4 P38 #5 5 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (2 RUN, 5 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 P39 #34 2 [ ] 2-18 H35 #11 to #5 0 [ ] 2-7 P31 #34 -1 [ ] 2-12 H31 #11 to #5 2 [ ] 2-8 H40 #11 to #88 11 [ ] 2-10 H41 #11 to # SACK [ ] 2-10 P28 #11 to # - [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-2 P37 #34 1 [ ] 3-1 H44 #34 -1 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-3 H40 #11 to # SACK [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 4 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-8 P30 #11 7 [ ] 3-6 H41 #11 to #2 - [ ] 3-10 H29 #11 8 [ ] 3-8 P41 #11 to #81 - [ ] 3-10 P28 #11 21 [ ] 3-14 P45 #11 to # - [ ] 3-18 H35 #11 to # - [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (3 RUN, 2 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-18 H35 #11 8 [ ] 4-14 P45 #11 to # - [ ] 4-6 H41 #34 14 [ ] 4-2 H21 #11 to # - [ ] 4-2 P45 #34 3 [ ]
Prague Black Hawks (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (14 RUN, 12 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-15 P24 #29 -1 [ ] 1-10 P16 #1 to #17 16 [ ] 1-10 P18 #29 8 [ ] 1-10 P35 #1 to #17 - [ ] 1-4 P04 #29 4 [ ] 1-10 P34 #1 to #2 16 [ ] 1-10 H27 #29 6 [ ] 1-10 H18 #1 to #81 - [ ] 1-10 P38 #29 9 [ ] 1-10 H10 #1 to #81 - [ ] 1-10 P14 #29 4 [ ] 1-10 P27 #1 to #81 - [ ] 1-10 H21 #29 50 [ ] 1-10 H29 #1 to #81 - [ ] 1-8 P08 #30 8 [ ] 1-10 H03 #1 to #9 15 [ ] 1-10 H39 #30 9 [ ] 1-10 H41 #1 to # - [ ] 1-10 P30 #35 -1 [ ] 1-10 H40 #1 to # - [ ] 1-10 H27 #35 22 [ ] 1-10 P34 #1 to # - [ ] 1-10 H45 #35 1 [ ] 1-10 H41 #1 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 P41 #35 1 [ ] 1-10 P39 #44 8 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-2 P10 #29 6 [ ] 2-1 P29 #1 to #17 - [ ] 2-1 P42 #7 3 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (1 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-6 P10 #44 1 [ ] 2-4 H33 #1 to #17 - [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (7 RUN, 6 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 H18 #29 6 [ ] 2-12 P32 #1 to #17 32 [ ] 2-10 P35 #29 2 [ ] 2-10 H10 #1 to #2 46 [ ] 2-10 P27 #30 3 [ ] 2-9 P40 #1 to #5 8 [ ] 2-10 P34 #35 2 [ ] 2-16 H35 #1 to #81 28 [ ] 2-9 P44 #35 3 [ ] 2-10 H40 #1 to #9 - [ ] 2-16 P25 #44 3 [ ] 2-10 H41 #1 to # - [ ] 2-10 H29 #7 5 [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 P29 #29 29 [ ] 3-1 P32 #35 2 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (1 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 H33 #29 8 [ ] 3-4 H24 #1 to #48 16 [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (4 RUN, 4 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-10 H41 #29 5 [ ] 3-8 P33 #1 to #5 19 [ ] 3-5 H45 #29 7 [ ] 3-7 P24 #1 to #9 16 [ ] 3-5 P09 #30 9 [ ] 3-5 H34 #1 to #9 3 [ ] 3-6 P41 #35 7 [ ] 3-13 P22 #1 to # SACK [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-5 P44 #29 9 [ ] 4-2 H37 #30 2 [ ]